
Limited Service

The Outlook will initially provide a bar service only. We will review opening times once a level of demand is established.

Please note the Outlook will be cash free and payments must be made by Visa or MasterCard.


We hope to be able to offer a catering service in due course, but this is unlikely to happen in the immediate future. We will issue further updates on this when possible, but what develops will primarily depend on the level of potential demand.

Take Aways

Until we are able announce our own catering services we will allow those using Outlook to order in takeaway meals on a trial basis.

  • The use of the Outlook for the consumption of takeaway food is conditional on customers using the Outlook bar service at that time.
  • We will provide plates and cutlery on the understanding that users will return these to the bar and take responsibility for any refuse such as takeaway containers etc
  • Takeaway meals should be delivered to the Outlook at least one hour before closing time as it is essential that the premises can close in accordance with the advertised times. The Outlook will not be held open for takeaway consumption.